Summary of AYSO projects only last 5 years to date are indicated in below table:

No Project Name Donor Start Date End Date Location
1 BPHS (SEHAT II) MoPH/WB 01-07-2015 31-12-2017 Takhar Province
2 BPHS(SEHATMANDI I) MoPH/WB 01-July-2017 30-June-2018 Helmand Province
3 BPHS(SEHATMANDI II) MoPH/WB 01-July-2018 31-Dec-2018 Helmand Province
4 Community-based education( CBE) TG Group 01 -Jan -2018 31-Dec 2018 Helmand province
5 BPHS(SEHATMANDI III) MoPH/WB 01-Jan-2019 30-June-2021 Helmand Province
6 BPHS(SEHATMANDI I) MoPH/WB 01-July-2017 30-June-2018 Badghis Province
7 BPHS(SEHATMANDI II) MoPH/WB 01-July-2018 31-Dec-2018 Badghis Province
8 Targeted Supplementary Feeding Program (TSFP) WFP 01-Aug-2017 31-Dec-2017 Helmand Province
9 Targeted Supplementary Feeding Program (TSFP) WFP 01-Jan-2018 30-June-2018 Helmand Province
10 Targeted Supplementary Feeding Program (TSFP) WFP 01-July-2018 31-Dec-2018 Helmand Province
11 Community-based education( CBE) KSA embassy 01-jan-2019 31-Dec-2019 Helmand province
12 Targeted Supplementary Feeding Program (TSFP) WFP 10-July-2019 9-Jan-2020 Helmand Province
13 Community-based education( CBE) TG Group 01-jan 2020 31-Dec-2020 Helmand and Badghis province s
14 Targeted Supplementary Feeding Program (TSFP) WFP 10-Jan-2020 31-June-2020 Helmand Province
15 Targeted Supplementary Feeding Program (TSFP) WFP 01-July-2020 31-Dec-2020 Helmand Province
16 Targeted Supplementary Feeding Program (TSFP) WFP 01-Jan-2021 30-June-2021 Helmand Province
17 Targeted Supplementary Feeding Program (TSFP) WFP 01-July-2021 31-Dec-2021 Helmand Province
18 Targeted Supplementary Feeding Program (TSFP) WFP 01-Aug-2017 31-Dec-2017 Badghis Province
19 Provision of Primary Health Care to the People in conflict affected districts WHO 16-Mar- 2021 15-Mar-2022 Helmand Province
20 SMART (Nutrition)Survey in Helmand Province UNOCHA/ACF 1-Aug-2019 30-Nov-2019 Helmand Province
21 SMART (Nutrition)Survey in Helmand Province UNOCHA/ACF 01-May- 2019 31-July-2019 Badghis Province
22 Afghan-Context Community-Led Total Sanitation (AC-CLTS) USAID/FHI360 15-April-2018 14-April-2019 Helmand Province
23 Community Based Nutrition Package (CBNP) USAID/FHI360 01-May- 2018 30-Sep-2019 Helmand Province
24 Procurement of HD supplying for the northern region Integrated Emergency Response to Conflict Affected Internally Displaced People (IDPs) and Host communities in Helmand province, with multi-sectoral and coverage assessment in hard to reach provinces in Afghanistan Ministry of Agriculture 2020 Ghor and Baghlan Province
25 Integrated Emergency Response to Conflict Affected Internally Displaced People (IDPs) and Host communities in Helmand province, with multi-sectoral and coverage assessment in hard to reach provinces in Afghanistan UNOCHA/ACF 01-03-2018 02-14-2019 Multi Province
26 Enhancing Coordinated Humanitarian, data quality, sharing and utilization for humanitarian response planning in Afghanistan UNOCHA/ACF 15.03.2019 30.04.2019 Badghis Province
27 Drought response: Multi-sectoral and integrated response to hard-to-reach and most vulnerable people UNOCHA/ACF 30.10.2018 31.05.2019 Helmand Province
28 Provision of essential and lifesaving H&N services for people in need affected by the emergency in Afghanistan through health and nutrition mobile teams and health facilities UNICEF 01-Jan-2022 30-June-2022 Helmand/Badghis Province
48 Implementation of CBNP refresher, CHWs incentivization, MNP distribution, Community WIFS & Mother MUAC approach UNICEF 10-09-2022 09-09-2023 Kunar, Nuristan, and Laghman provinces
49 Provision of essential nutrition services to children under the age of five year (boys and girls), and adolescent girls UNICEF 05-09-2022 04-09-2023 Helmand, Nimruz, and Kandahar Provinces
50 Implementation of community- based nutrition, Weekly Iron and Folic Acid Supplementation (WIFS) and MNP UNICEF 15-09-2022 14-09-2023 Badghis Province
51 Provision of integrated health, nutrition and PS services to people living in hard to reach areas UNOCHA /AHF 25-12-2022 24-06-2023 Nuristan Province
52 provision of in-kind Food assistance to IPC Phase 3 and 4 for vulnerable people UNOCHA /AHF 25-12-2022 24-08-2023 Parwan province