AYSO’s Health Projects
BPHS and EPHS projects aims to improve access, utilization, and quality of the curative and preventive health care services in the BPHS in an equitable and sustainable manner through implementation of BPHS.
Primary and Secondary Health Care (BPHS and EPHS) Services in Helmand province:
AYSO has been implementing primary and secondary healthcare services (SEHATMANDI project) through 78 health facilities consisting of DH, CHC+, CHC, BHC, SHC, and 410 Health Posts in partnership with BRAC Afghanistan organization in Helmand province since July 2019. Through the implementation of this project, AYSO has been contributing to improving access, utilization, and quality of the curative and preventive health care services in the BPHS/EPHS health facilities in a dignified and equitable manner with a focus on maternal and newborn care, child health and immunization, pubic nutrition, treatment and control of communicable diseases, mental health and physical rehabilitation services, and adequate and regular supply of essential pharmaceuticals and supplies. In addition to providing the BPHS/EPHS services AYSO also provided training to one batch of CME and CHNE students, where 24 community midwives and 23 community health nurses successfully graduated and deployed in the province.
Primary Healthcare Services Provision to the People in the Conflict-affected Districts of Helmand Province (MHTs)
AYSO provided life-saving primary healthcare services to vulnerable people, focusing on women, girls, and children in the conflict-affected districts of Helmand province through mobile health teams from March 2021 until March 2022. Likewise, AYSO provided essential life-saving primary healthcare services through eighth (8) mobile health teams to the vulnerable and conflicted-affected non-displaced people, IDPs, and people in hard-to-reach locations of Sangin, Mosa Qala, Nadali, Washer, Garamsir, Nawzad, and Lashkargah districts of Helmand province from October 2019 to March 2022. Similarly, AYSO provided primary healthcare services to the vulnerable people living in remote and underserved areas of Helmand province through six (6) mobile health teams funded by the WHO for nine months.
BPHS (SEHAT III) Project in Badghis Province
AYSO successfully implemented the BPHS (SEHAT III) project in Badghis province from 2017 to 2018. AYSO improved access, utilization, and quality of BPHS services (including maternal and newborn care, child health and immunization, public nutrition, treatment and control of communicable diseases, mental health and disability and physical rehabilitation services, and regular supply of essential drugs and supplies); increased community involvement in the provision of services; enhanced community satisfaction; enhanced the capacity of the health workers, and ensured gender equity in all services. In addition to the capacity-building training for the health facilities' health managers and clinical staff, AYSO ran Community Midwifery Education (CME) and Community Health Nursing Education Schools (CHNE) in Badghis province under this project.
BPHS (SEHAT III) Project in Helmand Province
AYSO successfully implemented the BPHS (SEHAT III) project in Helmand province from 2017 to 2018. AYSO improved access, utilization, and quality of BPHS services (including maternal and newborn care, child health and immunization, public nutrition, treatment and control of communicable diseases, mental health and disability and physical rehabilitation services, and regular supply of essential drugs and supplies); increased community involvement in the provision of services; enhanced community satisfaction; enhanced the capacity of the health workers, and ensured gender equity in all services. In addition to the capacity-building training for the health managers and clinical staff of the health facilities, AYSO ran Community Midwifery Education (CME) and Community Health Nursing Education Schools (CHNE) in Helmand province
BPHS (SEHAT II) Project in Takhar Province
AYSO, in partnership with the AADA organization, successfully implemented the BPHS project in Takhar province from 2015 to 2018. In addition to the provision of dignified and quality maternal and newborn, child health and immunization, public nutrition, treatment and control of communicable diseases, mental health, disability, and physical rehabilitation services, and regular supply of pharmaceuticals and medical supplies, AYSO also built the capacity of the provincial management staff, health facilities clinical staff, community health workers and community health shuras through the provision of a wide range of trainings on different health-related topics.
Mobile Health Team (MHT)
AYSO has provided Mobile Health Services (Primary Health Care to people in conflict affected districts, fixed vulnerable population in Helmand province with main focus on CBA women, new born, children under five year of age) through 8 MHTs in 7 districts (Sangin, Mosa Qala, Nadali, Washer, Garamsir, Nawzad, and Lashkargah). AYSO through this project covered all hard-to-reach areas, conflict-affected populations, and IDPs in Helmand Province from Oct 2019 up to March 2020.
Provision of Primary Health Care to the Remote Areas of Helmand Province (MHTs)
AYSO provided primary health care service to the underserved, remote and vulnerable population of through 6 MHTs funded by WHO. The project duration was for nine months. MHTs provided health service based on MHT guideline of MoPH in all targeted districts.
Drought Response Multi-Sectoral and Integrated Response to Hard-to-Reach and Most Vulnerable People in Helmand and Badghis Provinces:
AYSO provided health, nutrition, water, sanitation, and hygiene services through six (6) mobile health teams to the vulnerable people who live in hard-to-reach locations of Helmand and Badghis provinces.
Integrated Emergency Response to Conflict Affected IDPs and Host Communities in Badghis Province with Multi-Sectoral and Coverage Assessment in Hard-to-Reach Areas
Through funding from ACF/UNOCHA, AYSO provided mobile health services through two (2) mobile health teams in Helmand province from 2018 to 2021 in three rounds. The teams also provided nutrition, WASH, and emergency aid services to the target population in the province. The services were provided in line with the MHT package of the MoPH.
Provision of lifesaving primary health, nutrition and psychosocial services to targeted communities in Farah province
AYSO provide emergency live saving primary health care, nutrition and psychosocial services to the people living in remote, underserved and drought affected areas in Farah province through establishment of 2 BHCs an 8 SHCs in the remote and underserved areas of Bakwa, Pashtorud, Khaki Safid, Sheepkoh, and Farah districts