AYSO’s Experience in Nutrition
Nutrition projects: AYSO has successfully implemented several nutrition projects, including Targeted Supplementary Feeding Program (TSFP) in Helmand and Badghis provinces from 2017 to now, through funding from WFP. AYSO distributed thousands of tons of wheat and other supplementary food items among the vulnerable communities. The aim was to treat moderate acute malnourished children aged 6-59 months and acute malnourished pregnant and lactating women in target BPHS HFs, TSFP, and MHTs; increase nutrition awareness of pregnant and lactating women and MAM children's caregivers and promote optimal behaviors among them through gender transformative social behavior change communication (SBCC).
Community Based Nutrition Program (CBNP)
AYSO conducted community based nutrition interventions, where the awareness of nutrition counsellors, CHWs and community volunteers have also been increased regarding their nutrition status and problems. The project was funded by FHI360/USAID in Helmand province in 2018/2019. in 2022-2023 the CBNP, MNP, and C-WIFS is implementing in Kabul and Panjshir by the fund of UNICEF. CBNP refresher, CHWs incentivization, MNP distribution, Community WIFS & Mother MUAC approach is implementing in Kunar, Nuristan, and Laghman provinces. Another project “Provision of essential nutrition services to children under the age of five years (boys and girls), and adolescent girls” is implementing in Nimruz, Kandahar, and Helmand provinces.
Provision of Essential and Life-saving Health and Nutrition Services for the People in Need in Badghis Province
Funded by UNICEF, AYSO provided health, nutrition, and psychosocial support services through mobile health and nutrition teams (MHNTs) to the remote, underserved, and vulnerable communities that are in emergent need in Helmand and Badghis provinces
Provision of lifesaving primary health nutrition and PS services to targeted communities
Funded by UNOCHA (AHF), AYSO is implementing nutrition services to the remote and vulnerable communities in Nad Ali district of Helmand province.