Peace Unit/ABADIE project
The main mandate of the Youth and Peace Department of AYSO is working for youth empowerment (Learning, connecting, working, and leading) as well for social peace by full involvement of the young generation.
From 2015 to date, AYSO based on signed MoU on discount facilities to the poor student with many private educational institutions such as Razi Health University, Rahman Sapai Health Institute, Jami Health Institute, Loy Nangarhar Health Institute, and Rahman Sapai Private School. AYSO has been connecting the youth though community based program to the societies as well as to the governmental and non governmental organization for seeking job opportunities. Many shourt term courses on management and leadership has been conducted in Kabul, Nangarhar, Helmand and Badghis provinces for the youth development and women engagement. AYSO seeking working opportunities for the youth everywhere and employ its most of the staff from youth generation in main and provincial offices.
- Enhancing Community-Based Monitoring of Health Providers and Health services project under the grant of Anti-Corruption Grants Programme/governance for peace unit. The project is implemented in Kabul province and funded by UNDP
- Recovery Plan for empowering communities in peace building Social Cohesion in Lashkargah city, Nawa and Nahre Saraj Districts of Helmand Province: The project is implemented in Helmand province under the grant of Governance for Peace Unit/ABADIE project.
- Recovery Plan for empowering communities in peace building Social Cohesion in 9 villages of Speen boldak district of Kandahar province: The project is implemented in Kandahar province under the grant of Governance for Peace Unit/ABADIE project.